Even if a solar thermal system in connection with a logistics property cannot replace conventional heating systems, it still provides useful support through the production of hot water, which has a noticeable impact on the ecological balance. There are more and more practical examples, such as the C3 in Germany's largest freight village, the GVZ in Bremen. The logistics center of DHL in Düsseldorf and that of Zalando in Erfurt also have solar thermal systems with which the companies can cover at least 30 percent of their heating requirements themselves.
But it's not just the logistics properties of the corporations and in the vicinity of large cities where something is moving in this regard. A huge logistics center has also been built in Heinsberg, not far from the Dutch border. The highlight: An AI controls the heat pumps, from which energy from two other renewable sources is fed in in addition to solar thermal energy. Using weather and usage data, artificial intelligence calculates the optimal settings to make the air conditioning as environmentally friendly and cost-efficient as possible.
However, solar thermal energy is not yet a matter of course for new logistics properties, but researchers are certain that a lot will happen in the coming years. Rising energy costs, especially for heating and cooling, make it necessary to rethink. And when it comes to investments in logistics real estate, which should still be attractive and profitable in the next ten years, the sustainability factor is playing an increasingly important role.
Autor: Boris Kretzinger
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