Welcome to the BUILDINX ticket shop. Buying tickets is quick and easy. Simply follow the menu navigation.
Please note that there will be no box office at BUILDINX on site – we recommend that you conveniently book your ticket in advance! However, visitors without a ticket can purchase an online ticket at terminals provided at the entrance.
Have you received a voucher or discount code? Then please click on “Access code” with the lock symbol on the left to enter the code and redeem it directly in the shop.
The business platform for the entire value chain of innovative logistics and industrial real estate
BUILDINX | a trade fair of
Messe Dortmund GmbH
Strobelallee 45
44139 Dortmund
TELEFON +49 (0) 231/ 1204-521
FAX +49 (0) 231/ 1204-678