Brownfields as an opportunity for logistics real estate

24. August 2023

Logistics real estate is one of the most sought-after construction projects in the real estate industry. In 2022, around 5.1 million square meters in Germany were developed with logistics properties. But in view of the high demand for space, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find suitable building space. The lack of building plots that are still natural and undeveloped is driving prices higher and higher. These so-called greenfields have so far been preferred by construction companies, but they are expensive and the development ensures that more and more natural areas are sealed.


One way to meet the increasing need for space is to revitalize and use brownfields. This is an area that has already been sealed and where other industrial buildings previously stood. Building construction on brownfields is not only sustainable, but also cheaper as land prices are usually lower than vacant land. Another advantage is the existing connection to the infrastructure, which, in contrast to building construction on greenfields, does not have to be set up first.

The Ruhr area shows how it can be done: Numerous construction projects have been realized here on former industrial sites. A good example of this is the district of Rheinhausen in Duisburg. Large logistics centers were set up there on the site of a former steel mill. Thanks to the existing infrastructure, these are connected trimodally and have their own container terminals. In addition, more than 4,000 new jobs have been created at the site, about twice as many as the steel mill could offer. Another plus that speaks for the development of brownfields. Not only was the building built sustainably, but the acceptance in the region was also significantly increased through the creation of new jobs.

As early as 2020, brownfields accounted for around 27% of the space for new logistics properties. Due to the increasing shortage of land, this upward trend is continuing. By 2050 at the latest, new construction projects should only be realized on brownfields – this is what the EU Commission intends.

If you would like to find out more about the possibilities of using brownfields, then please visit BUILDINX! At the first business platform covering the entire value chain of innovative logistics and industrial real estate, you will find the right contact when it comes to choosing suitable building plots for your logistics real estate. With us you can network and realize your construction projects in cooperation with other companies.

Autor: Verena Zieringer

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